Graphic Designer / Researcher

Added on by Laila Cassim.

Inclusive Design Workshop – Inclusive Design as a Tool of Innovation, Taiwan

June 4th ~ June 10th 2015, Future Ward, Tatung University, Taiwan

恊働企画者:台湾デザイナーズ・ウェブ、大同大学 Future Ward
共同経営: 台湾デザイナーズ・ウェブ、國光客運、億光文化基金會、臺灣身心障礙藝術發展協會、台灣福祉科技有限公司


Organiser: Department of Cultural Affairs, Taipei city government
o-organiser: National Dr. Sun Yat-Sen Memorial Hall
Executive: Chengsheng Broadcasting Corp.
Co- Executive: Taiwan Designers' Web, Kuo Kuang Motor Transport, Everlight Cultural Foundation, Taiwan Art Development Association for the Disabled, Central Transaction Services Co., Ltd.

Project Outline

台湾デザイナーズ・ウェブと大同大学にある Future Wardの協力の下、地元のデザイナーと2つの障害福祉工房(CAUFベーカリーと Tranbo ガラス工房)がインクルーシブデザインの恊働プロセスを通して経済的自立と社会参加をもたらせるデザインソリューションをつくる2日間のワークショップを行った。ワークショップのクリエーティブディレクターである京都工芸繊維大学のジュリア・カセムとともに、デザインアドバイザーとして招いて頂き、インクルーシブデザインの根本のメソロジーと以前のワークショップで培ったノウハウを各チームに紹介・伝授しました。デザインパートナーは身体・知的障害者をともに雇うTranboガラス工房と知的障害者を雇うCAUF ベーカリー。


Design Partner

The “Inclusive Design Workshop – inclusive design as a tool of innovation” held in June 2015 in Taipei was one such initiative. Organised by the Taipei City Government's Department of Cultural Affairs, the Taiwan designer’s Web and hosted by the FutureWard Lab at Tatung University, the two day workshop looked at engaging the design community with two sheltered workshops, the Tranbo Art Glass workshop and Children are Us foundation (CAUF). Both employ disabled adults to create design solutions, which encourage financial and social independence through inclusive design methods. Professor Julia Cassim from Kyoto Institute of Technology and myself were invited as Project advisor and Design adviser to create design briefs and direct the teams. This page will focus on the redesigning of the CAUF bakery logo.


The Process

Design Result

The Designers