Graphic Designer / Researcher

Added on by Laila Cassim.

Entente Exhibition

Feb 6th ~ Feb 11th 2015 @ Earth & Salt

Entente (アンタント)展は2014年から2015年にかけて、綾瀬ひまわり園福祉施設のスタッフと利用者とともに制作したART作品とデザイン制作物の成果を展示した展覧会として、2月6日〜11日まで恵比寿のEarth & Salt にて開催されました。利用者に自身のアートを世にみせるだけでなく、スタッフ、利用者のご家族と一般の方にひまわり園の様な福祉施設に潜んでいるさまざまな創造的可能性を提示する機会となりました。

Entente“ - an exhibition showcasing the art work and prototypes created through collaboration with beneficiaries and staff from Himawari-en between 2014-2015 was held from Feb 6 -Feb 11 2015 in Tokyo in the hopes that families, staff, and the public would understand the array of hidden talents and creative possibilities in sheltered workshops.


The exhibition was curated as a part art, part design exhibition in the hope of fully showcasing the beneficiaries' creative talents and simultaneously showing how systems of sustainable income could be achieved through simple (graphic) design interventions. Most of all, it was to demonstrate how designers and design partners collaborating through mutual understanding can create new opportunities in one of the most challenging arenas in society.